NYSED High School Redesign
All the materials below were designed specifically for New York State’s high school redesign projects
Note: If you are downloading an Adobe PDF fillable form, save the document to your device before entering data/information, to ensure changes are saved and accessible to and from your device.
Redesign Tools
Redesign Workbook–Updated for 2020-21 Cohorts (Download the PDF)
Download the NYSED Complete Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE) at: http://www.nysed.gov/common/nysed/files/programs/accountability/dtsde-framework-2018-2019_2.pdf
Five Stages of Shared Vision (MS Word)
Five Stages of Shared Vision (PDF)
Student Profile (MS Word)
Student Profile Survey NM FILLABLE
Success Team in Action: North-Grand High School
Sanbord Regional HS: Competency-Based Education
This School Partners Students And Entrepreneurs, Giving Tools To Run A Business | NBC Nightly News
Students’ Voices, Students’ Visions
Students Present. . .from High School to Future School
Articles & Misc.
Graphics & Visuals
The World Cafe conversation cafe etiqueete posters that were displayed during the converning are available for free download. Click here for more information.
NYSED Events Gallery
Redesign Workbook
Updated for 2020-21
NYSED’s High School Redeisgn Workbook includes updated redesign implements and the applicable tenets of the Comprehensive DTSDE School Framwork.